Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Secret of my Success

-I am out of any ever marriage or partnership

-my maybe in one version of me Beast Boy's adopted mother Rita Farr / Elasti-Girl

-in the Doom Patrol TV series. Instead of just being an outcast maybe unable to stop growing

-she would keep devolving in to large red like blobs

-that she would have to struggle hard to pull herself together

-the pinkish lump on my left thigh

-whatever the TV makers' reasons were

-my magic I generate with not planning actually some of it

-I willed the pink lump to effect any partner I have to have this happen to them

-and it will happen often

-and it will be set up so she has to go out constantly living the life of Royalty


Are You Wendy the Good Little Witch?

 -I am the father of one of each of my non-identical twins the Heyworths' children

-I had a dream I was in bed with comics creator Rob Liefeld. Like the above statement. In the dream the Anti-Christ looked like him

-months later I had a dream I was in bed with the Heyworths on each side of me. I wanted to get pregnant with their child

-about 1978 I had a dream I was in my grandparents' garage in LEBANON Street. They can't be LIBERATED from their marriages

-the Street was on the border of Tauranga

-in the dream there was a tall, good looking witch. Long red hair and a long red dress in our garage

-I asked her Are you Wendy the Good Little Witch?

-the slogan of a Harvey Comics character

-I had two equal comparison dreams. Representing two females. One in a Grease live program on TV. The actress got her FOOT jammed in her boot. She tried to get it out and kept trying on live TV. No one came to help her. Later in a Hospital Room she would always have terrible foot pain

-the Heyworths might be damned. And might get scorpion sores on their feet. LEBANON as in MADONNA

-Wendy maybe representing Glinda of Oz and the ruby shoes

-the comparison dream. A man and company just like WALT Disney named WORLD. He had a daughter. Looking flirty like in the RICK ASTLEY video. She was tall, beautiful with very long straight blonde hair. She was getting changed at the front of the audience. Her dress was long blue with slits up the side. Like Heyden Heyworth's wife came in our Ward Room. The most attractive woman I had seen. The Nurse said You didn't bring your baby daughter. The right height with long dark brown hair with slits in them. The woman's dress fell off her. The Australian audience jeered. The mother there looking like the mother in the first HOME ALONE video grinned looking fake like keeping appearances. I could tell it was the beginning of the fall of World and his company

-maybe the Heyworths owning Disney and Harvey along with Greyson Milewski wreck their companies

-the dream of the Witch like Peter Parker saying My career as Spider-Man is OVER

-our address at 6 Lebanon Street. Instead of a grass sloping section at the front. My grandparents relandscaped it to be a few stages of levels. Like the Harvey Comics logo  Jack in the Box. And on the first floor of the home. A small apartment with it's own bathroom and kitchen. And open area for bedroom, lounge etc The stages of the section like the Tauranga Boys College lunch area with rising high concrete steps / seating. The self-contained apartment the large wall by it with the large painting of the face like Walt Disney

-my two sons the Heyworths each have an arm tattoo. One of three small lightning bolts the other of a Beast's head. Maybe they are like 666

-WENDY as in W. DISNEY. GOOD LITTLE as I Harvey Comics

Grease Live

-after all that I clicked on what I might have needed to do

-I bought the DVD Grease Live

-and liked the opening track Grease is the Word sung by Jessie J

-like Grease might represent Windsor High and Live might represent Days of our Lives

-like a track and video played to a Monitor round up by the theme of Days of our Lives

-I had a copy of the DVD but putting it in a cheaper new DVD player chewed it

-I didn't buy another one because when I was young I had the choice of buying either a novel about Falcon Crest the Winery soap opera or buying a poster of Grease

-the chance it might represent Mills Reef Winery or Anthony Hay at University

-really it meant the opposite they won't go up

-I remember stupidly but set up I put a PINK SPOT like a nipple in the corner of Olivia Newton-John's elbow to look like a breast

-maybe meaning what was really meant this morning when I tried to change my sex to make the miracles

-tonight I clicked. The MARK the slightly large pink lump on my left thigh

-the maybe source of the power to do this by a Monitor. Which by me thinking of it sent me in to it

-I pulled off my shorts and wore boxers as soon as I was in there. My shorts would have kept falling off

-I once heard a Radio Countdown DJ say Mark Wahlberg has a third nipple on his chest he thinks might give him magic powers

-the lump on my thigh like the magazine photo I imagined with his fictional leg hairs. Long, black and far spaced

-it might be that I needed all along

-the small mountain I rose out of in the rocket looks like the lump on my thigh


-Grease LiveGrease Live

Images Amazing Spider-Man 87

 -Images Amazing Spider-Man 87Images Amazing Spider-Man 87

Friday, June 21, 2024

You Win Again

 -me maybe winding up my miracles

-today I was stressed after masturbating and a rougher day for me. Wondering what my Flat Mate thought and knowing he was noticing strange actions in me

-I wrote up Crystal Vision. Like a possible ending but these go on every week over the years

-I started to think the Indian man I met looking like Bruce Wayne indicating he would make Jenette Kahn the Joker. Might be already alive. I fathered him some time. Maybe on a Cruise stopover in Fiji in 1991. An Indian Taxi Driver offered to take me downtown to look for a sarong. I got him to turn around when he asked me Would you like to spend some time with an INDIAN / ENDING girl?

-he never charged me for the Taxi ride and I was unprepared for that. Like maybe making every thing free

-like that because I don't want it my mind might have circled and avoided all the local Police's children being mine. And my Flat Mate Jesse Watkins and the other once client a bit like me named Keith. And out of the Windsor High characters the probably edited bully character Paul Longley

-I had a Bid of $120 on Amazing Spider-Man 87 from 1970

-the cover a large symbolic like image of Spider-Man's body over Peter Parker and his friends

-the line read 'If you only read one comic this month it has to be this one'


-Peter Parker saying a person has discovered my secret identity


-the image like in 1985 while maybe mentally unbalanced. The year my problems took off. About 40 years ago. I went on some long walks in the middle of the night. I went across Darraghs Road from my home. There by paddocks with bush. There was a maybe closed Bacon Factory Reid's

-on the other side of the paddocks was a slightly large, old, white, scary looking home on a slightly large property

-a few times I went on the property over night. I stood at the back of it at the base of the lowest floor at a large gap in the wall with darkness inside

-possibly this was the Watcher's home that I originally set on top of Mauao

-a few years later the outside of the home had been redecorated. I thought I might have seen a few strips of light on the roof. Up the Road from the home I took a few photos. The light didn't show up. Like Peter Parker was a Photographer

-this might represent me today. At the end of things. Me trying to unstress by leaning against my bed's wall drinking from a large bottle of Cola. Playing the BEE GEES as in BUGS. Like the image of Spider-Man's figure on the 1970 cover stood for this

-like saying I am home. My journey maybe over and a success. Like to say if I want to I can write it off like it was almost like a dream

-I broke in to tears for a brief while. Pulling my cover over my head

-but got it under control

-this might be the end of the miracles. And really they could work out in any way

-even if I lose the Bid for the comic tomorrow it is unimportant. I can just use it for more US back issues

-that is the final Trade Me Order I have to pay for. The other two Orders. One Ms. Marvel / Carol Davners 1 from 1978. Are shipped

-so there are no more worries of someone following my Orders

-CAROL DAVNERS / CHRISTIAN PAREDES. Her first appearance as Ms. Marvel. She went on to become Marvel Comics' version of Captain Marvel

-any part of my life's ending could be right or wrong. If I was the Anti-Christ that Revelations says Rules all nations with an Iron Rod. I might be able to just kill any baby

-the other Order I have Shipped three Marvel Treasuries from 1977 large magazine pages. Like I lived in James Cook Street. The Captain who first charted New Zealand. Like I design space. My earliest memory coming in to live in our new home for the first time there. And the key thing like finding TREASURE in a lower kitchen cupboard straight away I found a tin of Griffins Sampler biscuits. A few years later in paddocks up the Street in a ditch I saw lying the full SKELETON / BILLY BONES of a man. The character from Treasure Planet

-really it is almost impossible with this evidence will show up. The proof needed might come like the light on the roof. When someone tries to email my Lawyers editing what they say to get my Inheritance taken. But the process stopped by scorpion like sores appearing on the feet of those who try

-I took out Donna Troy's miracles and Chambers's sex change. Maybe destroying her

-I realized like the image of Spider-Man I might have created God and Jesus if real. Like part lying comical cranky versions of themselves

-and later in the evening I realized who about the biggest villain in the series was. The replacement New Zealand artist to my Record Deal. Like MARKY MARK. Showing up and harassing me constantly. And his popularity never changing. While mine just crashes again. MARKY MARK as in 666

-the Amazing Spider-Man 87 cover. My career is over. My miracles might not work any longer if they are proven. Spider-Man unmasked. If the person probably Madonna goes to set up me losing my Inheritance. Her career is over too

Crystal Vision

  -about the start of 2010 I went in to the local Psych Ward. My staff thought I had looked down for some time

-it was the DOWN time of my life but not a really bad time

-DC Comics' Jenette Kahn, stars and corrupt people causing Earth's DOWN Under Land style future

-one afternoon forces in my mind told me if I didn't stay lying down on my bed all afternoon and evening I would be trapped in bad times all my life

-I did get up and reacted by swallowing a drawing pin

-like nails in Jesus. And the DC logo and the stars

-the staff Nurse of my Support Home Trish LONGLEY took me that night in the rain across to the Hospital for tests

-I completely destroyed Archie Comics like line villain about me Paul LONGLEY. ALONG with TRI 666 other family members of mine. Clearing them all safely away forever

-that night lying in my bed I wondered how I would cope

-I was looking through slight cracks in the window glass

-the REFLECTIONS. Like to send out the miracles and become the full Anti-Christ I juggled the three '6' in my signature and the figures in '2025'

-suddenly I pictured two images in my mind at the same time

-the original super hero costume. A full body loose fit fawn costume. Black boots and coming down from the neckline on the front a black bullet design

-the costume I now see looks like the original super-heroes costumes of GENIUS super-heroes Brainiac 5 and Mister Fantastic. Like I live at the Garden of Eden with the Tree of KNOWLEDGE that gives me my miracle powers. The costume looks like Superman's costume

-and at the same time I pictured the super hero power to create things out of CRYSTAL

-CRYSTAL like the local man like Superman named Daniel COSGROVE. He becomes a super hero. CRYSTAL as in CHRIST. Maybe meaning me the Anti-Christ

-and because I had hopes the mystical forces still had plans for me my life turned around right there

-CRYSTAL / CONTRACTUAL. With the Contract I came up with to maybe control my life. I re-start space. And save Earth from basically maybe everything being closed down

-even though the miracles weren't real for years yet they still came along


  -a dream I had of original long sweatpants

-pale grey, one inch dark grey angled dashes over them

-in small handwriting to the side of the knee the word 'Supre'

-I used to get a lot of original products in dreams

-the few times I was typing Posts at night. When I looked at them again there were words and parts of sentences I didn't mean to type. Some like gibberish

-maybe the local man of Spotify left the two Jig-Saw Pieces. But some one set him up to

-and the ideas logical for a Contract he might have come up with

-I really signed meaning to type something else

-the LINES on the sweatpants

-SUPRE like saying Jughead is the STAGE name

-SUPRE I get really large muscles when flexed. And a part man-part woman body like EXTREME Comics' Rob Liefeld posed in a photo

-just the day before I came up with this. I started to get $300 new clothes


  -I might have signed a Contract with a local man

-a local man who was once the Spotify Music Internet shot. Of him lying on his back. He looks like Jughead Jones and is a Gym Instructor at the Gym on the opposite side of Tauranga Boys College from my house

-he might have got me to have sex with him. Bumping my head to remove my memory of it. Getting me pregnant maybe with ovaries somehow in me. Offering me a Contract I wanted to sign

-some time later I found two JIG Saw Pieces under my bed

-maybe to give me the idea to JUGGLE my initials M. J. Ager like 666

-maybe they say

-they CONNECT like I signed a CONTRACT

-the multiple parts in and out. I must always be a perfect mother for our son

-the multiple parts sticking in and out. Like stand-up comic George Smilovici's poster for I'm Tuff

-he is naked, knees bent, hands over crutch and mouth open wide comically. I must always go around naked. Make my hair partly long. Get a sex change so I look male but with breasts and a vagina

-the line SAW I change my name to George Smilovici

-the parts coming in and out like my old signature

-JIG SAW PIECES. I JIG SAW off my PENIS. I go around naked always so people SEE me naked. I add two JUGS BREASTS to me

-the PERGO et PERAGO Latin motto of the College between his Gym and my home

-I signed a FULL POWER of ATTORNEY Contract to him. Except over my PROPERTY

-the shape of the Jig Saw pieces like the bumps coming in and out. I am an OUT CAST. Except for males having sex with me

-I have a long very very painful childbirth over days. Smilovici's hands over his naked crutch. The bumps sticking in and out around the two pieces

Holy Land

 -the Holy Bible is a lie

-tonight partly aroused. I mistook signs

-and went back and was going to go back to masturbating. By pressing my body against the bed

-I had avoided doing it for a while. And was glad of it. By in my previous bed mattress a fist like dip in it like a threat

-I thought of the boy facing me in the showers in 1987 looking like Dick Grayson with his groin area still getting tanned

-and I tried masturbating pressing my body against the bed like where I thought the dip was

-the HOLE in the bed mattress. Like paranormal forces were telling me the WHOLE HOLY BIBLE was a LIE

-at first I thought I might have been sent naked in to a 'Monitor.' But disregarded it the experience saying that was a lie too

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Anti-Christ

 -today I think I might have found a way to get up my miracles

-by someone leaving two Jig-Saw Pieces under my bed. As if to indicate I had signed something to agree to things like a part sex change

-my signature. It has three loops coming under the line. Like '666'. One coming down from the 'M'. One coming at the bottom of the 'J'. And one the 'G'. In my signature 'M. J. Ager'

-the idea I had. JUGGLE the loops coming under the signature

-to alter my sex. To be mostly male on the outside. With a vagina and really large breasts. My body parts filled out. No more bad posture, grey receded hair, fat stomach etc

-and I have really large muscles

-I can get pregnant

-I might go around naked always

-and aim my miracles at the first day of 2025. Juggling in my mind those numbers too

- 2 / 0 / 2 / 5

-the digits reflect each other

-I switched both the letters in my signature and the number 2025 around in my mind

-the miracles set. The make-up of my home set to the first day of 2025

Proof my Government Rules Work

 -I have a list of ideas for Rules for a Government I came up with

-I think maybe the slave Toby / Kunta Kinte

-might be saying the rules work and exceedingly well

-when I was young my mother Christine bought me a type of Disney toy camera. You put a cartoon tape in it and turned the handle on it's side. Like an old Motion Picture Camera to play the cartoons. Moving the picture

-I got two tapes with mine. Mickey's Trailer about Mickey Mouse and friends in a RUNAWAY caravan. And 101 Dalmatians

-DALMATIANS like I see in the 1977 mini-series Roots the ABOLITIONIST Movement set free slaves up North

-like being a really fair way with them

-maybe the tapes were set up by Toby a frequent RUNAWAY slave saying my ideas for Government rules are like this

-the very last shot on 101 Dalmatians. Maybe distorted film stock. What sort of looked like to me in the early 1970s like in front of a black background. A white gravestone maybe with my initials 'MA' on but in reverse. So they were 'AM'

-in Roots years later Kunta Kinte's daughter Kizzy comes back to try to visit her parents. She scrawls the slave Toby's real African name on his grave. Maybe Toby / Kunta Kinte setting up the toy camera

-I originally called the list of Government rules 'HIGH' School Musical Suggestions for Governments as in '101' Dalmatians 

-key to them. Governments 'create' $12 million each per person in one of their Bank Accounts. Like just typing in the figure. But it is usable

-it is the distorted gravestone shot that was at the end of the 101 Dalmatians tape that is like the proof

-the runaway caravan. In Roots Kinte once got his foot cut off for trying to run away

-the Abolitionist / Dalmatians. Movement / Trailer

-the Dalmatian dogs had a lot of black spots on them. Like slave chains

 -free fruit and vegetables for poor or homeless people in supermarkets

-free Spotify, NetFlix, Disney+ and YouTube Music

-every number of weeks students of places get to have International air travel and Hotel costs for a few days paid for

-things made fair. There is a place to protest something if unfair

-most bullying stopped. Those continuing must stay from work for time

-$12 million created once in one account of everyone once in their life. It can't be taxed. Spouses can't touch it. If stolen by others accessing your account amounts of $200, 000 added. Absolute wage and price freezes. People made to work to keep services going. People now pay an amount for use of services

-crimes like maiming and some crimes that ruin lives get life

-tent shelter for homeless people. Large canvas tents. With stretcher bunks. Radio playing all the time. Portable toilet outside. And a free meal once or twice a day

-meals around the city every day. Once a day for a coin you can get a meal

-businesses set up that can do almost any job for you for as cheapest charge as possible

-work shifts are rotated. 6 hours done by one person then 6 hours by another

-Daily Planner- work shifts, 2 hours Christian time if you want it, 2 hours family including at least 2 hours TV time, Saturday Recreation Days made up of groups (those without someone as best as possible found someone), Sunday free time

-anyone at all. Including minors can kill themselves with help. Like put to sleep etc

-as best possible free pain killers to all

-no one can make you marry. All can divorce straight away

-'Pin' marriages anyone can have

-both Police and Army Security boasted by 200 times

-University Hospital- those studying to be Medical workers do surgery etc for a much less price

-no one can ban you from their stores without real reason

-free Cosmetic Surgery etc where possible for disfigured and deformed people

-cheap Cosmetic Surgery of all types by Trainees

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Doing it Right

-the Restaurant might have set me up with the appearance, personality and super hero powers I want


-I went there apparently with CARE and CRAFT / I have the CARE / MESSIAH like personality I saw in him. And the CRAFT / FULL APPEARANCE he had in the Fitness Add

-I have the super hero powers I wanted. REST / the FIRST letters TAURANT / TURNING what I WANT / the once special themed rooms of my home to the first letters of each power I picked

-RESTAURANT ROCK of ETERNITY. My list of super hero powers Captain Marvel gets his from the Rock of Eternity. Resides Eternally in me. The hill with the Restaurant on it might be like a Rock of Eternity

-super hero powers- flight, strength, phasing, invulnerable, ground control, telekinesis, heat vision, beam comes from one hand that can create objects and do things, can centre on crime and population centres. And maybe can fire beams from my eyes that can fix broken objects and can pass my body through sick living things to heal them. etc powers

-appearance- tallish, handsome, largish muscles, dark brown hair, tan, mostly hairless body. Looking exactly like Christian Paredes did in the magazine Fitness Add. Like the model did in the Janet Jackson video Love will Never Do (Without You)

-personality- the same exceptional Messiah like personality I saw in him in the Add when he looked the most Messiah like to me 

Crisis Miracles Blogs

Crisis Miracles Blogs