Sunday, July 7, 2024

Crisis Miracles Blogs

Crisis Miracles Blogs 

Miracle Memorial

     -what might have set up three parallel Universes with altered miracles each. In 2000 I went on a trip to the US. One night in Washington DC I got lost at each of three Memorials or Monuments. Maybe connected to Bigfoot, Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster. Maybe I wandered off like going to the three parallel Universes. My miracles all over space are meant to start at the very start of time. Then restart with many of them altered 

-the point the Universe or all three were created (back in time from this point). About 1973 the day off my EARLIEST MEMORY. Like the start of them. Coming in to live in our new home for the first time at James Cook Street. And finding a tin of GRIFFINS SAMPLER biscuits in a lower kitchen cupboard. GRIFFINS as in GENESIS. SAMPLER as in the three Universes of SMALLVILLE, CAMPBELLTOWN and SANCTUARY SUPREME. Captain James Cook first charted New Zealand like I design space

-and I might have caused all the paranormal and all else around me to happen. When for a moment in my bedroom about 1980 I thought of the idea I could make up a list of adventures etc like a timeline that would happen to me

-the end of everything except me maybe caused or enabled by stars saying my Inheritance will be stolen. That meant I could stay living safely in my own 'dream' home even if problems set in. Stealing an Inheritance. That would have secured me in my home for life and enabled me to repair and renovate it. A home I could have lost took out all of space. With a whole new Creation I redid the miracles 

Crisis Miracles Blogs

Crisis Miracles Blogs