Friday, May 31, 2024


 -I think on a New Zealand made Kids TV show in the 1970s

-there was a New Zealand made comic

-called 'Rosco'

-he was a Cowboy

-the format of the comic might have been like The Smurfs comics

-I have never seen a trace of this comic since

-he looked slightly like a man I know who lives nearby named ROSS Farr

-ROSCO- as in CROSS. I get the exact looking appearance of CHRISTIAN 'Paredes'. And CROSS CO I get the Messiah like personality I saw in him

-ROSCO- I get the RESCUE powers. My list of super hero powers I came up with

-ROSCO- RUSH RESCUE- I get them fully in me all the time

-the fictional WESTERN comic like CHRISTIANITY is fiction

-ROSS FARR- like the CROSS is a FRAUD

-RESTAURANT- with that I did the REST of CREATION


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

In the Beginning

 -now maybe 7 Universes

-all was destroyed. Like The New Testament. I had ideas with the year 2000 I would alter my miracles

-instead I think all but about me might have been wiped out

-and the rearranged miracles are for seven new Universes starting now

-all over space

-planets covered in the 7 landscapes I designed

-barren planets covered in New Zealand or Iranian features

-Moons are like my Space Base idea

-the insides of planets are like about the most advanced planet in space

-space just re-started

-copies of my home don't have all the things I was going to get for them

-they have up to a lot of new linen and new cutlery I had delivered today

-the two really long black hairs I found years ago. One on my dinner plate (cutlery). And the other on my bedspread (linen). This says space reformed today when they were delivered

-space might have started Wednesday 29th of May 2024

-maybe now '7' Universes

-like the '7' black line tattoo on the top of the arm of Mark Huia. That it looked like I could see far off on the top of a Hot Water Slide at the Hot Pools at Welcome Bay

-like the fictional magazine photo of Mark Wahlberg. Looking like Mark Huia. Fictional leg hairs long, black and far spaced. On a stage like up on the Hot Water Slide


-the day my powerful miracles started on March 31st 2017. I had a dream of a parade of DC Comics characters in their themed groups. I was told to scan and Post these from their WHO's WHO pages

-the tattoo and leg hairs each like black lines like the long black hairs

-the two long black hairs like the small worm length spaghetti strand. As in my Lawyer's name STRINGER. To say it is stars planning to steal my Inheritance that destroyed everything. I avoided eating the Toasted Sandwiches. The WORM like I had just paid for two Trade Books from a man named WIG MORE. As in the black hairs. The worm might represent the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. And what people tried to set me up. Giving birth to a baby son who couldn't be more of a problem. Done by people getting me to eat a dead piece of bark shaped like a cane with once white jellybean shaped maggots at each end

-space might have been destroyed by- people planning to steal my Inheritance. The spaghetti and worm. Me trying to order a Showcase Eclipso Volume at first. Where the character had storylines of Death Stars. When I tried to click to order it I might have been sent on the rocket mission. Maybe stars trying to turn me in to Darth Vader destroyed everything too

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